Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Why You Should Not Attempt Diy

Winter is never a good time for your boiler to break down.  Before you call out emergency boiler repair Preston there are several things you can do to prevent your boiler from giving up on you.

Of course, the best thing that you can do is to enter into a yearly maintenance contract so that problems can be spotted early by your service engineer and parts either cleaned or replaced.  This will prevent you from incurring expensive call out charges, apart from freezing in your own home.

Condensing boilers can freeze up sooner than any other and it is therefore important to keep them running on low during the night when it is really cold outside.  This will prevent the pipe from freezing up.  It is also better to use your system regularly as they will work better when they are.

Burst pipes are also a common cause for the heating to pack up.  By preventing this from happening in the first place, it will save you a lot of hassle and mess.  Pipes often burst when the water within them freezes up.

You can prevent this by insulating the pipes that are most at risk from freezing up.  A little lagging left over from your loft insulation will be enough to prevent this problem.  If you tend to go away over the winter period, you should always leave your heating on low and ask a friendly neighbour to check up on your home regularly.

When you have done all you can, but your boiler has nevertheless stopped working, it is time to call in the professionals.  You should never attempt to tinker with the system yourself, especially if you have a gas boiler.  Gas is an extremely dangerous fuel and any leaks you may cause by doing some DIY could have serious consequences.

If your boiler is turning itself on and off at regular intervals, it may be that your thermostat needs replacing and that there is nothing wrong with your actual boiler.

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